Have you been interested in enrolling in one of our vocational schools? There are different requirements for attending Broward Technical Colleges than a traditional university. We’re outlining the differences to see if you’re ready to enroll today.
What is a Vocational School?
A vocational school is a post-secondary educational institute. Rather than strictly traditional classroom settings, it also teaches students with hands-on learning.
These job-focused trade school courses help students learn technical skills and trades. Typically, it only takes two years or less to earn a vocational degree, which is another way it differs from a four-year university.
Do I Have to Have a High School Diploma?
To enroll in Broward Technical Colleges, you must complete an academic assessment. However, prospective students are exempt from taking the assessment if they have already obtained a high school diploma.
Keep in mind, there are specific programs that do require a high school diploma no matter what. The programs vary due to occupational requirements, School Board policy, or licensing regulations.
What if I Don’t?
If you are still in high school, you can enroll in dual enrollment at Broward Technical Colleges. That allows you to start earning credit towards both your vocational degree and your high school diploma at the same time. You can enroll at the beginning of your junior year.
Reach out to our team to find out about enrolling. Are you no longer enrolled in high school? We are also happy to help you work towards your GED. We even offer a GED preparation course that will ensure you’re ready for your tests.
Ready to get started? There’s no need to wait! Get in contact with a counselor at one of our Broward Technical Colleges today!