ACCESS Program at Broward Technical Colleges
ACCESS is a community-based program for 18-22 year old students with disabilities in Florida. Under the supervision of qualified teachers, job coaches and communication specialists, students learn a variety of work and community living skills. Program staff and families at our community colleges near Miami, FL work together to design an individualized transition plan based on student needs and interests. Students who complete the program are often ready for competitive employment positions and have the skills needed to participate in community activities.
Program Focus
- social / pragmatic skills
- life skills
- community-based instruction
- work experience
- supported employment
- transition skills
Our Mission
Students with disabilities will be most independent when provided with a highly structured positive learning environment. It is our belief that we must carefully assess and reassess a student’s strengths and develop vocational training opportunities based on these strengths in order to better prepare our students for a quality adult life. Contact our colleges near Fort Lauderdale, FL to learn more today!