Program Overview: Marketing, Sales and Service

Do you often find yourself marveling at the window displays in a retail store or paying extra close attention to social media posts? Exploring Broward Technical Colleges’ Marketing, Sales and Service program would be a perfect fit for you! Through our online,...

Program: Information Technology

Information Technology careers are continually on the rise and as our society depends more and more on technology, support careers in Information Technology are likely to continue to be in demand. Broward Technical Colleges offers 13 different programs across three...

Financial Aid from Broward Technical Colleges

Broward Technical Colleges offers better prices than other schools in the area and we pride ourselves in offering affordable educational opportunities. However, we know that any educational costs can be daunting or intimidating for some students. Not to worry, Broward...

Program Overview: Education and Training

We all know the saying, “Give a man a fish and he’ll eat for a day, teach a man to fish, and he’ll eat for life.” At Broward Technical Colleges, we believe that whole-heartedly. That’s why we offer our educational and training courses to help you teach those who are...

Program Information: Marketing

When it comes to business and marketing, the number one thing you’re selling is yourself. You’re putting trust in your buyers that you’re the best thing they need right now. At Broward Technical Colleges, we’re out to show you how to not just take the courses...

Program Overview: Information Technology

Our world today is dominated by one thing over anything else: information technology. Businesses in general and throughout the world depend on people who have certifications in information technology, and that’s where Broward Technical Colleges comes into play. With...