What is a Trade School?

What is a Trade School?

There are so many benefits to attending trade schools, but just what are they exactly? We are outlining trade schools and highlighting the benefits of attending your new favorite trade schools in Florida – Broward Technical Colleges. What is a Trade School? A trade...
What Courses Are Covered in the GED® Certification?

What Courses Are Covered in the GED® Certification?

Gaining a high school diploma can truly make a big impact on your life and your career plans. Of course, life gets in the way and getting a traditional diploma isn’t always a possibility. However, you can gain a GED® certification to help you have more opportunities...
How to Prep for the Start of the Fall Semester

How to Prep for the Start of the Fall Semester

As classes get started, it’s time to start getting used to a new schedule. We’ve got a few tips to help from our Broward Technical Colleges. Review Your Schedule The first thing you want to do is review your schedule for the fall. Make sure the classes you are taking...
How to Stand Out When Applying for Internships

How to Stand Out When Applying for Internships

Internships can be a valuable tool for gaining the experience you need for your future career. At Broward Technical College, we want to help in any way we can. Here are some tips to stand out when applying for internships. Have a Powerful Resume A professional resume...